One of the most important events in 2018 was the Kolkata visit by the CCRN chair Mary McCormack in the month of June. All three regional cancer centres – TMC, CNCI and SCGGRI obtained CCRN accreditation. A meeting was held on 17th June to discuss participation in the INTERLACE trial. The overwhelming support given by the SGCCRI team of researchers- Prof Biman Chakrabarty (President), Rahul Roy Chowdhury (Joint secretary), Tamohan Chaudhuri, Susanta Roy Chowdhury and the Director Arnab Gupta towards their resolve and mandate to ensure India’s first ever entry into a GCIG trial is surely one of the landmark events of KolGOTrg.The first patient from India was recruited in February 2019 from SGCCRI.
Agenda of Meeting
One Day Symposium KolGo Trg 17.06.2018 compressed Click Here