Dr. Biman Kumar Chakrabarty, SGCCRI
President, Founder President Retd. professor G & O Medical College, Kolkata
His key research interests are:i) embryological development of fallopian tube affecting ovarian cancer.ii)Rare gynecological tumours.iii )Multiple primary malignancies in gynecology.iv)gestational trophoblastic neoplasm.v)Adolescent ovarian epithelial carcinoma.vi)fertility preservation in gyne cancer.

Dr. Tamohan Chaudhuri, SGCCRI
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
His key research interest includes clinical trials in cervical cancer.

Dr. Asima Mukhopadhyay
Founder & Secretary and Director Consultant Gynaecological Oncology and Clinician Scientist
Her key research interest includes i) cytoreductive surgery ii)DDR and HRD in ovarian cancer iii) Health inequality and patient advocacy.

Dr. Rahul Roy Chowdhury, SGCCRI
Treasurer, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist
His current research interest includes clinical trials and translational research in endometrial and ovarian cancer.

Dr. Prof. Neerja Bhatla
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Dr. Ranajit Kumar Mandal, CNCI
Joint Secretary, Treasurer Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist
His key research interest includes cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination.

Dr. Santanu K Tripathi, MD, DM
Professor & Head Department of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology
He leads the regulatory and ethics committee of several institutions in Kolkata including KolGOTrg.

Dr. Somasekhar S P
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Prof. Susanta Roychowdhury, SGCCRI
Vice President, Senior Scientist
His research group is working on the molecular understanding of the genomic instabilities, and functional consequences of gain-of function p53 mutations in human cancer. His group is also studying cancer cell plasticity in ovarian and endometrial cancer. Currently they are developing 3D organoid cell culture model and plasma cell free DNA based diagnostic assays in ovarian cancer.

Prof. Sharmila Sengupta
Her research group is working on to explore (i) the molecular epidemiology of CaCx in relation to HPV and (ii) host-pathogen interactions in HPV16 related CaCx cases, for understanding the natural history, susceptibility, and clinical progression.